Selected professional service
Keynote and invited talks
- PhD in Computer Science, Department of Computing, Division of Information and Communication Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2001
- Master of Arts in Economics (Econometrics), Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, 1994
- Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, School of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Automation of Manufacturing Processes, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (formerly, Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry), Baku, USSR, 1988
Selected professional service
- member of Editorial Board of Scientific Data
- member of Editorial Board of PLOS Complex Systems
- member of Editorial Board of Complex Systems
- member of Editorial Board of Entropy (2013 – 2023)
- Specialty Chief Editor, Computational Intelligence, Frontiers of Robotics and AI (2014 – 2022)
- member of Steering Committee of The International Association for Guided Self-Organisation (2014 – ongoing)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales
- senior member of IEEE
- member of IEEE Information Theory Society
- (co-chair) of International workshops and conferences on Guided Self-Organisation (GSO) (2008—2022)
- member of Program Committees of the International Conferences on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB), the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALife), Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), The IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), the European Conferences on Artificial Life (ECAL), the Pacific Rim International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI)
- member of Executive Committee of The International RoboCup Federation (2014—2017)
- chair of The 2015 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Cape Town, South Africa (2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, IEEE SSCI 2015)
- member of Editorial Board of Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining (2013)
- vice-chair, Program Committee, PRICAI-2010, The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Seoul, Korea, 2010)
- founding member of COSNet: Complex Open Systems ARC Network (2004—2009)
- editor of a special issue on Complexity, Criticality and Computation (C³) in Entropy (2017)
- (co-)editor of special issues on Guided Self-Organization in Frontiers in Robotics and AI (2015), Entropy (2014), Advances in Complex Systems (2012); Theory in Biosciences (2011) and HFSP Journal (2009)
- co-editor of a special issue on Complex networks in Artificial Life (2011)
- section editor for Encyclopedia of Machine Learning (Evolutionary Computation) (2010)
Keynote and invited talks
- The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) Workshop "Connecting Micro to Macro in Epidemiological Models", invited talk "Multiscale Modelling of Behaviour-induced Critical Regimes during Epidemics", University of Cambridge, UK, October 18, 2023
- Complexity Science Hub (CSH) Vienna Workshop "Computation in Dynamical Systems", invited talk "Computation at the edge of chaos: from the Liar Paradox and the Halting Problem to dynamical systems", Obergurgl, Austria, October 9, 2023
- The Conclave on "Complexity in Physical Interacting Systems, Computation and Thermodynamics", invited talk "Principle of the “super-efficiency”: Thermodynamic efficiency of self-organisation", Santa Fe, USA, July 10, 2023
- The Biarri Applied Mathematics Conference ("The limits of predictability"), keynote talk "Modelling tipping points and amplification effects of the COVID-19 pandemic response", November, 2022
- JP Morgan Australia conference "What will the "New Normal" look like post COVID-19 vaccine rollout?", a talk "How will mass-vaccination change COVID-19 lockdown requirements in Australia?", June 2021;
- Virtual workshop “Beyond COVID-19: modeling sustainable exit strategies”: opening address “Lessons learned from modelling COVID-19 transmission and control in Australia”, the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, May 2020;
- Austin Health Grand Stand panel, “Modelling transmission and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia“, Melbourne, April 2020;
- Workshop on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Complex Agents, "On thermodynamic efficiency of swarming behaviour", International Conference on Complex Systems (CCS-2019), Singapore, October 2019;
- National Science Week and Sydney Science Festival, "Complex Systems: Computer Modelling of Epidemics", Sydney, August 2019;
- Modelling Complex Warfighting (MCW) Symposium, Department of Defence, The Defence Science and Technology, "Large-scale agent-based modelling of pandemics: health risks and intervention strategies", Sydney, June 2019;
- The 4th International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications (ECEA4), "Relating Fisher information and thermodynamic cost of near-equilibrium computation", November 2017;
- Royal Society of NSW and Four Academies Forum, "Modelling Complex Systems and Guided Self-Organisation", Sydney, November 2016;
- Workshop on Statistical Physics, Information Processing and Biology (Santa Fe Institute), "Sensitivity and information transfer in distributed computation", November 2016;
- National Science Week and Sydney Science Festival, "Complex Systems and Swarm Intelligence", August 2016;
- The Third ISAL Summer School on Artificial Life, “Information dynamics in complex systems”, at the ALIFE 2016 conference in Cancun, Mexico, July 2016.
- The ECSO-2015, Engineering and Control of Self-Organization at CCS’15 (Conference on Complex Systems, Arizona, 2015)
- The 2013 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (Singapore, April. 2013)
- The 3rd International Workshop on Computation in Cyber-Physical Systems (Mexico, 2012)
- The NeFF–Workshop on Non-linear and model-free Interdependence Measures in Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Center, Goethe University (Frankfurt, Germany, April 2012)
- CSBB-2012, The Workshop on Complex Systems Research and Methods in Business and Biology (Heron Island, Queensland, January, 2012)
- The 3rd International Workshop on Guided Self-Organisation (GSO-2010, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, September, 2010)
- The 6th International Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation (Erlangen, Germany, 2005)
- 2023 Entropy Best Paper Award: five winners were selected out of all papers published in Entropy during 2021
- Lord Robert May Prize for the best paper: biannual award from Journal of Biological Dynamics in 2019-2020
- World Championship at RoboCup-2019 2D Simulation League (Sydney, Australia) — team Fractals2019
- World Championship at RoboCup-2016 2D Simulation League (Leipzig, Germany) — team Gliders2016
- 3rd place in RoboCup-2015 2D Simulation League (Hefei, China) — team Gliders2015
- 2nd place in RoboCup-2014 2D Simulation League (Joao Pessoa, China) — team Gliders2014
- Best paper award at The 17th International RoboCup Symposium (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2013)
- 2nd place in RoboCup 2D Simulation League at Dutch Open 2012 (Eindhoven) — team Gliders2012
- CSIRO ICT Centre Chief Scientist’s Award (highest number of journal publications with impact factor, 2012)
- Research Grant from Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig, Germany, July-October, 2009)
- CSIRO "Go for Growth" Award, ICT Centre, Autonomous Systems (2008)
- CSIRO ICT Centre Publishing Award, for scientific excellence and outstanding contributions both within the ICT Centre and to the international research community (2008)
- Most Innovative Technology — The 2004 AJB CEBIT Exhibition Award - Ageless Aerospace Vehicles, 2004
- Teamwork award — CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics Divisional Award to the Ageless Aerospace Vehicle (AAV) Team (2003)
- 3rd place in RoboCup 2D Simulation League at Australian Open 2003 (Sydney) — team Cyberoos'2003
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) Award for scientific contribution to the RoboCup Simulation League — for the work on entropy of joint beliefs as a measure of multi-agent coordination potential, 2002
- 3rd place in Pacific Rim series of RoboCup 2D Simulation League 1998 (Singapore) — team Cyberoos'98
- Certificate of Recognition of the Missouri Chapter of the Fulbright Association and the University of Missouri-Columbia for the participation with distinction as 1992—1994 Edmund S. Muskie Fellow in Fulbright Program of International Research and Cooperation (Columbia, Missouri, USA, 1994)
- Two-year Benjamin Franklin Fellowship Grant (USA, 1992)