Publications on sociophysics and crisis modelling
- C. M. Jamerlan, M. Prokopenko, Bounded risk disposition explains Turing patterns and tipping points during spatial contagions, Royal Society Open Science, 11(10): 240457, 2024.
- B. P. Evans, M. Prokopenko, Bounded rationality for relaxing best response and mutual consistency: the Quantal Hierarchy model of decision making, Theory and Decision, 10.1007/s11238-023-09941-z, 2023.
- B. P. Evans, M. Prokopenko, Bounded strategic reasoning explains crisis emergence in multi-agent market games, Royal Society Open Science, 10(2): 221164, 2023.
- B. P. Evans, K. Glavatskiy, M. Harré, M. Prokopenko, The impact of social influence in Australian real-estate: market forecasting with a spatial agent-based model, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 18: 5-57, 2023 (also on arXiv).
- A. Malik, M. Li, M. Lenzen, J. Fry, N. Liyanapathirana, K. Beyer, S. Boylan, A. Lee, D. Raubenheimer, A. Geschke, M. Prokopenko, Impacts of climate change and extreme weather on food supply chains cascade across sectors and regions in Australia, Nature Food, 3: 631-643, 2022.
- B. Slavko, K. Glavatskiy, M. Prokopenko, Revealing configurational attractors in the evolution of modern Australian and US cities, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 148: 111079, 2021.
- B. P. Evans, M. Prokopenko, A maximum entropy model of bounded rational decision-making with prior beliefs and market feedback, Entropy, 23(6): 669, 2021.
- K. Glavatskiy, M. Prokopenko, A. Carro, P. Ormerod, M. Harré, Explaining herding and volatility in the cyclical price dynamics of urban housing markets using a large‑scale agent‑based model, Business and Economics, 1:76, DOI: 10.1007/s43546-021-00077-2, 2021.
- E. Crosato, M. Prokopenko, M. Harré, The polycentric dynamics of Melbourne and Sydney: Suburb attractiveness divides a city at the home ownership level, Proceedings of Royal Society A, 477: 20200514, 2021.
- B. Slavko, M. Prokopenko, K. Glavatskiy, Diffusive resettlement: irreversible urban transitions in closed systems, Entropy, 23 (1): 66, 2021.
- B. Slavko, K. Glavatskiy, M. Prokopenko, City structure shapes directional resettlement flows in Australia, Scientific Reports, 10: 8235, 2020.
- N. Harding, R. E. Spinney, M. Prokopenko, Population mobility induced phase separation in SIS epidemic and social dynamics, Scientific Reports, 10: 7646, 2020.
- B. Slavko, K. Glavatskiy, M. Prokopenko, Dynamic resettlement as a mechanism of phase transitions in urban configurations, Physical Review E, 99, 042143, 2019.
- D. Penny, C. Zachreson, R. Fletcher, D. Lau, J. T. Lizier, N. Fischer, D. Evans, C. Pottier, M. Prokopenko, The demise of Angkor: Systemic vulnerability of urban infrastructure to climatic variations, Science Advances, 4(10), eaau4029, 2018.
- E. Crosato, R. Nigmatullin, M. Prokopenko, On critical dynamics and thermodynamic efficiency of urban transformations, Royal Society Open Science, 5: 180863, 2018.
- M. Harré, M. Prokopenko, The social brain: scale-invariant layering of Erdős–Rényi networks in small-scale human societies, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, vol. 13(118), 20160044, 2016.