Publications on "Ageless" Aerospace Vehicles (AAV)
These publications resulted from CSIRO-NASA project that developed the AAV Concept Demonstrator — a hardware multi-cellular sensing and communication network (a smart "skin"). Biologically-inspired AAVs are expected to be capable of structural self-assessment and repair.
A specific aim of the AAV smart skin is to detect and react to impacts caused by projectiles that, for a vehicle in space, might be micro-meteoroids or space debris. In particular, we investigated self-organization of impact boundaries enclosing critically damaged areas, and ant colony-inspired impact networks, connecting remote cells that have detected non-critical impacts. |
- M. Prokopenko, G. Poulton, D. C. Price, P. Wang, P. Valencia, N. Hoschke, A. J. Farmer, M. Hedley, C. Lewis, D. A. Scott. Self-Organising Impact Sensing Networks in Robust Aerospace Vehicles, In John Fulcher (ed.) Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 186-233, Idea Group, 2006.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, D. C. Price, P. Valencia, M. Foreman, A. J. Farmer. Self-organizing Hierarchies in Sensor and Communication Networks. Artificial Life, Special Issue on Dynamic Hierarchies, Vol. 11(4), 407-426, 2005.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, M. Foreman, P. Valencia, D. C. Price, G. T. Poulton. On Connectivity of Reconfigurable Impact Networks in Ageless Aerospace Vehicles. The Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 53(1), 36-58, 2005.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Mahendra, P. Wang. On Convergence of Dynamic Cluster Formation in Multi-Agent Networks. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2005), Canterbury, UK, September 2005.
- D.A. Scott, A. Batten, G.C. Edwards, A.J. Farmer, M. Hedley, N. Hoschke, P. Isaacs, M.E. Johnson, A. Murdoch, C.J. Lewis, D.C. Price, M. Prokopenko, P. Valencia and P. Wang, An Intelligent Sensor System for Detection and Evaluation of Particle Impact Damage, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 24, pp. 1825-32 (eds. D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Vol. 760, 2005.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, A. Scott, V. Gerasimov, N. Hoschke, D. Price. On Self-organising Diagnostics in Impact Sensing Networks. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES-2005), Melbourne, Australia, September 2005.
- P. Mahendra rajah, M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, D. Price. Towards Adaptive Clustering in Self-monitoring Multi-Agent Networks. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES-2005), Melbourne, Australia, September 2005.
- P. Mahendra rajah, M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, D. Price. On Decentralised Clustering in Self-monitoring Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-05), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2005.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Wang, D. Price (2005). Complexity Metrics for Self-monitoring Impact Sensing Networks. The 2005 NASA/DoD International Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH-05), Washington D.C., USA, June-July 2005.
- M. Hedley, N. Hoschke, M. Johnson, C. Lewis, A. Murdoch, D. Price, M. Prokopenko, A. Scott, P. Wang, A. Farmer (2004). Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring, The 1st International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Melbourne, Australia, December 2004.
- W.H. Prosser, S.G. Allison, S.E. Woodard, R.A. Wincheski, E.G. Cooper, D.C. Price, M. Hedley, M. Prokopenko, D.A. Scott, A. Tessler, J.L. Spangler (2004). Structural Health Management for Future Aerospace Vehicles, The 2nd Australasian Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (2AWSHM), Melbourne, Australia, December 2004.
- D.C. Price, A. Batten, G.C. Edwards, A.J.D. Farmer, V. Gerasimov, M. Hedley, N. Hoschke, M.E. Johnson, C.J. Lewis, A. Murdoch, M. Prokopenko, D.A. Scott, P. Valencia, P. Wang (2004). Detection, Evaluation and Diagnosis of Impact Damage in a Complex Multi-Agent Structural Health Management System. The 2nd Australasian Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (2AWSHM), Melbourne, Australia, December 2004.
- M. Prokopenko, P. Wang. On Self-referential Shape Replication in Robust Aerospace Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE9), Boston, USA, September 2004.
- P. Wang, M. Prokopenko. Evolvable Recovery Membranes in Self-Monitoring Aerospace Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour (SAB-2004), Los Angeles, USA, July 2004.
- G. Poulton, Y. Guo, P. Valencia, G. James, M. Prokopenko, P. Wang. Designing Enzymes in a Multi-Agent System based on a Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-2004), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2004.
- Mark Foreman, Mikhail Prokopenko, Peter Wang. Phase Transitions in Self-organising Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL-03), Germany, September 2003.
- D. Abbott, B. Doyle, J.B. Dunlop, A.J. Farmer, M. Hedley, J. Herrmann, G.C. James, M.E. Johnson, B. Joshi, G.T. Poulton, D.C. Price, M. Prokopenko, T. Reda, D.E. Rees, D.A. Scott, P. Valencia, D. Ward and J.G. Winter, Concepts for an Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring System, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 22, pp. 1606-14 (eds. D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Vol. 657, 2003.
- Don Price, Andrew Scott, Graeme Edwards, Adam Batten, Anthony Farmer, Mark Hedley, Mark Johnson, Chris Lewis, Geoff Poulton, Mikhail Prokopenko, Philip Valencia, Peter Wang. An Integrated Health Monitoring System for an Ageless Aerospace Vehicle. In F-K. Chang (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, September, DEStech Publications, pp.310-18. 2003.
- Peter Wang, Philip Valencia, Mikhail Prokopenko, Don Price, and Geoff Poulton. Self-reconfigurable Sensor Networks in Ageless Aerospace Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR-03), Portugal, July 2003.
- Lovatt H., G. Poulton, D. Price, M. Prokopenko, P. Valencia and P. Wang. Self-organising Impact Boundaries in Ageless Aerospace Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS-2003), Melbourne, July 2003.
- Abbott D., B. Doyle, J. B. Dunlop, A. J. Farmer, M. Hedley, J. Herrmann, G. C. James, M. E. Johnson, B. Joshi, G. T. Poulton, D. C. Price, M. Prokopenko, T. Reda, D. E. Rees, D. A. Scott, P. Valencia, D. Ward and J. G. Winter. Concepts for an Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring System. Proceedings of 29th Annual Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE 2002) Conference, American Institute of Physics, July 2002.
- Abbott D., B. Doyle, J. B. Dunlop, A. J. Farmer, M. Hedley, J. Herrmann, G. C. James, M. E. Johnson, B. Joshi, G. T. Poulton, D. C. Price, M. Prokopenko, T. Reda, D. E. Rees, D. A. Scott, P. Valencia, D. Ward and J. G. Winter. Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles. Development of Concepts for an Intelligent Sensing System. NASA technical report NASA/CR-2002-211773, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, 2002.
CSIRO-NASA Technical reports (2002-2010)
- Adam Batten, Graeme Edwards, Vadim Gerasimov, Nigel Hoschke, Peter Isaacs, Chris Lewis, Richard Moore, Florien Oppolzer, Don Price, Mikhail Prokopenko, Andrew Scott, Peter Wang, Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles: Report 6 - Development and Demonstration of a Self-Organizing Diagnostic System for Structural Health Monitoring, CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2010-216186, CSIRO CIP 2544, LF99-7917, 2010.
- Adam Batten, John Dunlop, Graeme Edwards, Tony Farmer, Bruce Gaffney, Mark Hedley, Nigel Hoschke, Peter Isaacs, Mark Johnson, Chris Lewis, Alex Murdoch, Geoff Poulton, Don Price, Mikhail Prokopenko, Ian Sharp, Andrew Scott, Phillip Valencia, Peter Wang, Denis Whitnall, Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles: Report 5 - Phase 2 Implementation of the Concept Demonstrator, CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2009-215931, LF99-7916, L-71308D, CSIRO TIPP 2056, 2009.
- David Abbott, Adam Batten, David Carpenter, John Dunlop, Graeme Edwards, Tony Farmer, Bruce Gaffney, Mark Hedley, Nigel Hoschke, Peter Isaacs, Mark Johnson, Chris Lewis, Alex Murdoch, Geoff Poulton, Don Price, Mikhail Prokopenko, David Rees, Andrew Scott, Sarath Seneviratne, Philip Valencia, Peter Wang, Denis Whitnall, Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles: Report 4 - Phase 1 Implementation of the Concept Demonstrator, CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2008-215542, CSIRO TIPP 189, 2008.
- David Abbott, Jon Ables, Adam Batten, David Carpenter, Tony Collings, Briony Doyle, John Dunlop, Graeme Edwards, Tony Farmer, Bruce Gaffney, Mark Hedley, Peter Isaacs, Mark Johnson, Bhautik Joshi, Chris Lewis, Geoff Poulton, Don Price, Mikhail Prokopenko, Torsten Reda, David Rees, Andrew Scott, Sarath Seneviratne, Phillip Valencia, Peter Wang, Denis Whitnall, John Winter, Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles: Report 3 - Design of the Concept Demonstrator, CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2008-215307, CSIRO TIPP 1628, 2008.
- David Abbott, Briony Doyle, John Dunlop, A Farmer, Mark Hedley, Jan Herrmann, Geoff James, Mark Johnson, Bhautik Joshi, Geoff Poulton, Don Price, Mikhail Prokopenko, Torsten Reda, David Rees, Andrew Scott, Philip Valencia, Damon Ward, John Winter, Development and evaluation of sensor concepts for ageless aerospace vehicles: Development of Concepts for an Intelligent Sensing System (Report 2), CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2002-211773, CSIRO TIPP 1517, 2002.
- David Abbott, Shaun Cunningham, Graham Daniels, Briony Doyle, John Dunlop, Dean Economou, Tony Farmer, David Farrant, Cathy Foley, Bruce Fox, Mark Hedley, Jan Herrmann, Colin Jacka, Geoff James, Mark Johnson, Barry Martin, Geoff Poulton, Don Price, Torsten Reda, Grahame Rosolen, Scott, Philip Valencia, Damon Ward, John Winter, Alan Young, Development and Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Ageless Aerospace Vehicles: Threats and Measurands (Report 1), CSIRO NASA Technical report, NASA/CR-2002-211772, CSIRO TIPP 1516, 2002.